Dina Porat

Professor Dina Porat, head of the Kantor Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry, served as head of the Chaim Rosenberg School for Jewish Studies (2004-2008), of the Department of Jewish History  (2000-2003), and of The Stephen Roth Institute for the Study of Contemporary Anti-Semitism and Racism (1992-2010) and is incumbent of the Alfred P. Slaner Chair for the Study of Racism and anti-Semitism,  all in Tel Aviv University. Awarded TAU’s Faculty of Humanities best teacher for 2004. She also serves as Yad Vashem's chief historian as of October 2011.

Prof. Porat was a Fellow-Member of the Institute for Advanced Studies in The Hebrew University (1985), The Center for Israel and Jewish Studies in Columbia University (1987/8), the Yad Vashem Researchers Seminar (1995/6), a Visiting Professor at Harvard University (Fall 1999), a Visiting Scholar at NYU (winter 2004) and at the Memorial de la Shoah, Paris (October 2007). She taught at the Venice International University, Fall of 2008.