All 6 Episodes of the First EHRI Podcast Season Now Released

Visit the EHRI Podcast Homepage for all 6 episodes
On 8 December, EHRI published the final and sixth episode of our new podcast series For the Living and the Dead: Traces of the Holocaust for 2022. In each episode of For the Living and the Dead, a Holocaust researcher talks about an object, now often in a museum or archive, that tells a very personal story about the Holocaust. This first season of the EHRI podcast features a teddy bear, mica-flakes, a postcard, gramophone discs, a magazine cover and a typewriter. The unique stories come from all over Europe, ranging from Belgium to Ukraine, from Romania to Italy.
A Box of Old Gramophone Discs Dusted Off
In the last episode, A Box of Old Gramophone Discs Dusted Off, Laura Brazzo from the Jewish Contemporary Documentation Center, CDEC, in Milan talks about her discovery of interviews recorded on gramophone, given in 1955 by six of sixteen survivors of the rounding up of the Jews of Rome on 16 October 1943, the infamous “Black Saturday”. You can listen to the authentic voices of Italian survivors and learn about the significance of such very early testimonies of the Holocaust.
Next season
In 2023, EHRI will continue its podcast with a second season that will present another six personal stories behind unique objects found across the many partner institutions of the EHRI consortium. In doing so, it will give voice to stories of the Holocaust from across all of Europe, thereby helping to keep alive the memory of the most traumatic and defining European event of the 20th century.
Visit the EHRI Podcast Homepage for all 6 episodes
Trailer For the Living and the Dead: Traces of the Holocaust: