EHRI Bibliography
Guide to the Sources on the Holocaust in Occupied Poland. Translated and expanded edition of the original Polish Źródła do badań nad zagładą Żydów na okupowanych ziemiach polskich by Alina Skibińska. European Holocaust Reseaearch Infrastructure, 2014.
, “The elaboration of a privacy policy for the research portal of European Holocaust Research Infrastructure”, in The Right to be forgotten vs the Right to Remember. Data Protection and Archiving in the Public Interest, Brussels: VUBPRESS, 2018, pp. 97-110.
, “The Past and the Future of Holocaust Research: From Disparate Sources to an Integrated European Holocaust Research Infrastructure”, in Evolution der Informationsinfrastruktur: Forschung und Entwicklung als Kooperation von Bibliothek und Fachwissenschaft, Glückstadt: Verlag Werner Hülsbusch, 2013, pp. 157-77.
, “Archivists as Gatekeeper in the Digital Age”, in NIOD Lunchlezing, Amsterdam, 2016.
, “Back to our Data - Experiments with NoSQL Technologies in the Humanities”, in IEEE Big Data 2013, Silicon Valley, USA, 2013.
, “Case EHRI”, in Study Afternoon Metadata Exchange of the Flemish library and archives association VVBAD, Congres- en Erfgoedcentrum Lamot, Mechelen, 2015.
, “Challenges, outcomes and remarks on information practices and user needs in the humanities. The cases of the EU projects DARIAH and EHRI”, in Technothings meeting, BIOS Athens, 2011.
, “Classical Philology, Text-based and Holocaust Studies Facing Digital Research Infrastructures: From Practice to Requirements”, in SDH 2011: Supporting Digital Humanities, Universtiy of Copenhagen, 2011.
, “Connecting Collections, Collection-holding Institutions and Researchers”, in 5th Contact Day Jewish Studies on the Low Countries, University of Antwerp, 2012.
, “Connecting Collections, Institutions & Researchers”, in ITF pre-conference “New Directions in Holocaust Research with a special emphasis on Educational applicability”, Brussels Palais d'Egmont, 2012.
, “Creating general-purpose virtual environments for (digital) archival research ”, in Digital Humanities , Stanford California , 2011.
, “Digital Methods in Holocaust Studies: The European Holocaust Research Infrastructure”, in 2018 IEEE 14th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2018.
, “EHRI: An Introduction”, in German Jewish Archive Workshop, The Keep, Brighton, 2016.
, “EHRI and Open History: Sustainable digitial publishing of catalogues of twenthieth-century history archives”, in Kick-off Meeting DARIAH-BE, Antwerp, Belgium, 2016.
, “EHRI and the International Tracing Service”, in Improving Access to the ITS Digital Collections, Wiener Library, London, 2015.
, “EHRI: Results and Future Activities”, in L-HARP Workshop, University of Maryland, 2015.
, “European Holocaust Research Infrastructure”, in Tagung Europäische Forschungsinfrastrukturen in den Geisteswissenschaften, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, 2012.
, “European Holocaust Research Infrastructure”, in KVAN-days on Big Archives (Royal Society of Archivists in the Netherlands), Assen, The Netherlands, 2014.
, “European Holocaust Research Infrastructure”, in Science Day, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague, 2014.
, “European Holocaust Research Infrastructure”, in Jüdische Geschichte digital - Workshop, Hamburg, 2013.
, “Frühe archivalische Dokumentation des Holocausts und die European Holocaust Research Infrastructure”, in Texte, Karten, Erschließungsmethoden Neue Perspektiven auf frühe Holocaust - und Lagerliteratur (Abschlusstagung des GeoBib - Projekts – Georeferenzierte Online - Bibliographie früher Holocaust - und Lagerliteratur), Giessen, Germany, 2015.
, “Implementing an archival, multilingual and Semantic Web-compliant taxonomy by means of {SKOS} (Simple Knowledge Organization System)”, in Proceedings of the Workshop on Language Technology for Digital Historical Archives, Varna, Bulgaria, 2019.
, “Information Extraction on Noisy Texts for Historical Research”, in Digital Humanities, Hamburg, 2012.
, “Interaction with Collections”, in "Towards a New History of the Second World War": Spring Conference of the Royal Netherlands Historical Society, The Hague, 2015.
, “International cooperation and collaboration / Sustaining digital archival infrastructures”, in APEx: Collaboration and networking for a digital archival future. Sustainable perspectives through the Archives Portal Europe, Budapest, 2015.
, “Introducing EHRI”, in NISE Annual Gathering, University of Swansea, Swansea, 2015.
, “Keynote address”, in KVAN-dagen, Amsterdam, 2013.
, “Kies voor de geesteswetenschapper! Naar een virtuele studiezaal langs de Digital Humanities”, in Annual conference of the Koninklijke Vereniging van Archivarissen in Nederland/Royal Society of Dutch Archvists, Amsterdam, 2013.
, “Making sure the data fit the researchers. Data identification and investigation in European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI)”, in Cultural Heritage, Creative Tools and Archives, National Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen, 2013.
, “Presentation of the EHRI Project”, in Annual Database Meeting of the Concentration Camp Memorial Site Archivists, Dachau, 2013.
, “Privacy in an international historical research environment: the example of the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI) – project”, in Public Conference at the Research Centre Information, Law and Society :“Privacy at the crossroads of Sociology, Philosophy, History and Law” (CRIDS) , 2012.
, “(Re)Constructing the Archive of the Terezín/Theresienstadt Ghetto”, in Heritage Recovered. The Holocaust in Jewish Archives - An International Comparison, Vienna, 2013.
, “Research infrastructures and archival inter-mediation”, in Building infrastructures for archives in a digital world, Dublin, 2013.
, “Researching the Holocaust in a Digital Age”, in Claremont Wynberg Hebrew Congregation, Cape Town, 2016.
, “Sustainable Digital Publishing of Archival Catalogues of Twentieth-Century History Archives”, in Open History: Sustainable digital publishing of archival catalogues of twentieth-century history archives, Brussels, Brussels, 2016.
, “Transcending the Archive? The Digital Environment as a Force for Change”, in Annual Conference of the International Council of Archives: Accountability, Transparency and Access to Information, Brussels, 2013.
, “Über mehrsprachige Metadaten zu den versteckten Quellen: Das Beispiel deutschsprachiger Täterquellen in der European Holocaust Research Infrastructure”, in DHd-Tagung. Von Daten zu Erkenntnissen: Digitale Geisteswissenschaften als Mittler zwischen Information und Interpretation, Graz, 2015.
, “User Requirements and Data Integration in European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI) - the Greek Case”, in European Social Science History Conference, Vienna, 2014.
, “Comparison of named entity recognition tools for raw OCR text”, KONVENS. Vienna , 2012.
, “Defining User Requirements for Holocaust Research Infrastructures and Services in the EHRI Project”, iConference 2012. Toronto, Canada, pp. 644-45, 2012.
, “The EHRI Project - Virtual Collections Revisited”, HistoInformatics2014 - the 2nd International Workshop on Computational History, vol. 8852. Springer, Barcelona, pp. 294-303, 2014.
, “An Approach to Analyzing Working Practices of Research Communities in the Humanities”, International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing, vol. 7, no. 1-2, 2013.
, “Archival Metadata Import Strategies in EHRI”, ABB: Archives et Bibliothèques de Belgique - Archief- en Bibliotheekwezen in België, vol. Trust and Understanding: the value of metadata in a digitally joined-up world, pp. 15-22, 2019.
, “Developing the collection graph”, Library Hi Tech, vol. 33, pp. 610-623, 2015.
, “EAD-ODD: A solution for project-specific EAD schemes”, Archival Science, 2018.
, “EHRI Vocabularies and Linked Open Data: An Enrichment?”, Trust and Understanding: the value of metadata in a digitally joined-up world, ed. by R. Depoortere, T. Gheldof, D. Styven and J. Van Der Eycken, vol. 106, pp. 117-122, 2019.
, “Experiments for the design of a help desk system for the EHRI project - an Information Retrieval approach”, DARIAH-DE Working Papers, vol. 5, 2014.
, “Holocaust and World War Two Linked Open Data Developments in the Netherlands”, Umanistica Digitale, vol. 4, 2019.
, “Integrating Holocaust Research”, International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing, vol. 7, no. 1-2, 2013.
, “Intermediating the Human and Digital: Researchers and the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure”, EHRI Working Papers, 2013.