Call for Applications: Joint Workshop for Advanced PhD Candidates from UK Universities who are focusing on Holocaust-related topics

Wednesday, August 10th, 2016

Location: Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, Israel
Dates: 21 – 24 November 2016

As a signatory to a joint letter of intent enabling greater cooperation between British Holocaust organisations and Yad Vashem and endorsed by the British Government, The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust & Genocide is partnering with the International Institute for Holocaust Research at Yad Vashem to host the second joint workshop for advanced PhD candidates in the UK and Israel working on Holocaust-related topics. 

This workshop intends to bring together post-graduate students from the United Kingdom and Israel who are in the process of writing a PhD-thesis to exchange ideas and to share their research results on the Holocaust, including its antecedents and aftermath. The Wiener Library and Yad Vashem’s Research Institute encourage PhD candidates to submit their applications for the workshop, which will be held in English from 21 – 24 November 2016 at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem. All topics on the Holocaust are open for consideration, though preference will be given to those intending to use the International Tracing Service Digital Archive. 

The sessions of the workshop will consist of presentations by the participants on their particular topics followed by discussion periods. 

Workshop participants will also be allocated time to utilize the holdings of Yad Vashem.

Eligibility and Application Procedure

  • Applicants must be registered in a university PhD program in the United Kingdom.
  • Applicants must have finished their course work and be in an advanced stage of their research.

All application materials must be submitted electronically in English by 12 September 2016. Selections will be announced by 30 September 2016.

An application consists of:

  • A letter of intent from the applicant
  • One-page abstract proposal of the project to include a list of relevant ITS digital collection and/or other archival holdings for the project
  • Recommendation letter from the applicant’s PhD advisor on his or her institution’s letterhead submitted under separate cover
  • A current curriculum vitae.

Applications and letters of recommendation should be submitted to:

Dr Christine Schmidt

Deputy Director and Head of Research

The Wiener Library

29 Russell Square London



Final selection of applications for UK participants will be made by The Wiener Library. Israeli participants will be selected by Yad Vashem. Reimbursement for travel, shared accommodation and meal stipends will be provided.

****This workshop is a continuation of the international exchange workshop program started by the International Institute for Holocaust Research, Yad Vashem, in 1999.****
In appreciation to the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany (Claims Conference) for supporting this research initiative. Through recovering the assets of victims of the Holocaust, the Claims Conference enables organizations around the world to provide education about the Shoah and to preserve the memory of those who perished.