Call for Papers – Call for Participation in Two Working Groups on “Descendants of Victims of Nazi Persecution”

Tuesday, November 14th, 2017

The Federal Association Information & Advice for Survivors of Nazi Persecution (Bundesverband Information & Beratung für NS-Verfolgte e.V.) is calling for participation in two moderator-led working groups on “Historico-political Education” and “Psychosocial Issues”, respectively, in relation to the work of and to working with descendants of victims of Nazi persecution.

The two-day working groups will meet on 11/12 April and 7/8 June 2018 in Cologne. The results will be presented to the public on 11 October 2018 and be published (in German, English and Russian) on the Federal Association’s website once the project has been closed. Both interdisciplinary working groups held concurrently will act as platforms for international researchers and professionals to exchange information on current issues concerning descendants of victims of Nazi persecution. We invite experts and committed individuals who have been investigating the issue of “descendants of victims” to participate in the working groups that aim to provide opportunity to share information on fields of work and discuss ways of cooperation. We intend to join efforts in order to develop and discuss new ideas, giving research and practice new impetus.

For more information on applying, see the Call for Papers.

Deadline: 5 January 2017