Call for Papers: Museums and Their Publics at Sites of Conflicted History

Monday, June 20th, 2016

International conference 13-15 March 2017

POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews, Warsaw, Poland

You are invited to propose abstracts for the international conference Museums and Their Publics at Sites of Conflicted History.

Museums of history face a particular challenge in societies that have experienced conflict and violence in recent memory and radical geopolitical and ideological change, not to mention socio-economic and technological challenges. Multiple and rival historical perspectives characterize the dynamics of public memory in these societies. Differing narratives of the past are told either in parallel, or appear in open conflict with each other, while memories still hidden and silent await their midwives for their public articulation at the right juncture.

Invited are both scholars in various disciplines (anthropology, sociology, history, memory studies, museology, political science), and museum professionals, including curators and museum educators, to join us in discussing the role of museums in negotiating contested histories in relation to their publics.

For more info, read the Call for Papers