Conference “As Mass Murder Began : Identifying and Remembering the Killing Sites of Summer-Fall 1941”

Tuesday, January 10th, 2017

22-23 March 2017, Vilnius, Lithuania

The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) and Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum would like to invite you to the conference “As Mass Murder Began: Identifying and Remembering the Killing Sites of Summer-Fall 1941” which will take place on March 22-23, 2017, in Vilnius, Lithuania.

This follow-up IHRA conference to the one in Kraków in January 2014 will address several subjects and will emphasize a workshop framework with the aim of providing a forum in which those active in the field in dealing with mass killing sites in Europe will have an opportunity to exchange views and share issues, problems, solutions, and best practices.

The geographical focus of the conference and workshop will be on the Baltic States, Belarus, Ukraine, and Romania. The thematic focus will be on three central themes on both national and local levels – Identification; Marking; and Commemoration. Within these themes, the workshops will discuss finding and identifying killing sites, research, archives, interviews, databases, preservation, maintenance, legal and religious issues and solutions, remembrance and education.

The participants will be given the opportunity to present their initiative and activities at the workshops or at the marketplace, at which participants (individuals, NGOs and other institutions) can share information about their activities in this field through posters and other means.

For more information and registration, please visit the Vilna Gaon website.