Corpses in Society: Human Remains in post-Genocide and Mass Violence Contexts

Call for Papers
3nd Annual & International Conference of the Research Programme Corpses of Mass Violence and Genocide
to be held at the University of Manchester, UK, on 8 – 10 September 2014
The organisers are calling for papers dealing with the treatment of human remains in the context of mass crime aftermaths. The conference will focus on the twentieth and twenty-first centuries and deal with any geographical location, opening new avenues of research into the peace building processes that follow these mass atrocities.
A range of themes and approaches are expected to be dealt with and the conference organisers would particularly welcome papers dealing with the following aspects:
- Technical issues: How, by whom and for what purposes are the human remains of mass violence’s victims dealt with in peace-time?
- Legal issues: What is the legal status given to victims’ human remains in post-mass violence contexts? What laws apply to the often complicated chain of custody for the bodies of victims, and who takes responsibility for them? Who becomes, if anyone, the legal representative of the dead and of the rights of the dead to their image?
- Ethical issues: What questions relating to intimacy should be considered when dealing with human remains? How should we consider the ways in which issues of confiscation, concealment or the destruction of bodies and body parts in mass crime impact on transitional processes for the sake of commemoration or, for example, in judicial procedures?
Proposals must be no longer than 1500 words, accompanied by a detailed biography and should be sent either in French or in English by 28 March 2014 to the following email:
Read the complete Call for Papers Corpses in Society.
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