Call for EHRI fellowship programme (2016-2018)

Tuesday, July 28th, 2015
EHRI (European Holocaust Research Infrastructure) invites applications for its fellowship programme (2016-2018).

The EHRI fellowships are intended to support and stimulate Holocaust research by facilitating international access to key archives and collections related to the Holocaust as well as archival and digital humanities knowhow. The fellowships intend to support researchers, archivists, curators, and younger scholars, especially PhD candidates with limited resources.

For the period 2016-2018, EHRI will grant up to 414 weeks of access at 15 EHRI partner institutions. EHRI fellowships include a stipend for housing, living expenses and travel. We are offering an open call, with evaluation cut-off dates every nine months. The first cut-off date is on 30 September 2015.

For more information and details on how to apply, read the full Call for EHRI Fellowships 2016-2018.

Photo: Lisa Peschel, EHRI Fellow 2014.