Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute | The Wiener Holocaust Library

Olga Kartashova is a Ph.D. candidate in Hebrew and Judaic studies at New York University. She specializes in the history of the Holocaust in Eastern Europe, its aftermath, memory, historiography, and trials. She holds MA degrees in Comparative History from Central European University and Holocaust Studies from Haifa University. She completed internships at Yad Vashem, Ghetto Fighters’ House, and Open Society Archives in Budapest. Olga worked as a researcher at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum on a project devoted to genocides and justice broadly. She leads a monthly research group/seminar on The Forgotten Roots of International Law in cooperation with the Minerva Center for Human Rights at Tel Aviv University where she is a fellow during 2021-2022. Olga is engaged in Digital Humanities and is exploring ways to incorporate technology into Holocaust research, archives, and museums. Her current research analyses how Jewish international efforts supported the postwar trials of Nazi war criminals in Poland.