Foundation of the Memory of the Shoah: Call for Projects

Monday, February 18th, 2013
Program ‘History of Anti-Semitism and of the Shoah’ 2013-2014

A private French foundation for the benefit of the public, the Foundation of the Memory of the Shoah pursues its program for assisting research in all fields concerning the Shoah, its origins and consequences, up to the present day, as well as studies on past and contemporary anti-Semitism.

The Foundation favors projects which lead to new fields of knowledge falling within comparative history and literature. It also attaches great importance to European, international and inter-disciplinary perspectives, which associate historical, anthropological, sociological, juridical, philosophical, psychological and literary analyses. Emphasis is placed on research on French aspects of the Shoah, and/or conducted by young academics working on the Holocaust.

Foundation Funds
  • Doctoral grants
  • Post-doctoral grants
  • Research trips

Registration forms concerning these grants are available on the Foundation’s website

Registration forms must be sent before April 1, 2013.

Read the Call for Projects (English) for more information.

Or the Appel à projets (French).