International Tracing Service

Uta Rautenberg, PhD Candidate, University of Warwick, ‘Homophobia in Nazi Camps’. After completing my Staatsexamen in History and Theology at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität in Münster and my MSc in Educational Leadership and Management at the University of Leicester, I am now a PhD candidate at the University of Warwick (Department of History).
In my doctoral thesis, I am investigating homophobia in Nazi Camps, a lacuna in historical research despite extensive studies into various areas of the camp society. Using early and late self-testimonies, oral histories, published as well as unpublished testimonies, as well as court proceedings, I am discussing the extent to which the prisoners created the homophobia themselves and why. I am also scrutinising whether there are gendered differences in the quality of homophobic expressions towards homosexual conduct.