Jewish Museum in Prague

Cailee Davis is currently pursuing her doctoral studies at St. Anne’s College, University of Oxford, examining the shifting modalities of transnational Holocaust representation across media, including film, television, architecture, digital media, and literature, in the new millennium. She is especially interested in the phenomenon of metareferentially, the act of self-reflexively drawing attention to the artifice of the work and/or the medium, within these works. Recently, she completed her MA in Holocaust Studies with Distinction at Royal Holloway, University of London, exploring the Americanization of the Holocaust as a screen memory which replaces and misrepresents America’s own genocidal past. She is the Graduate Development Scholar in History at St. Anne’s College, a teaching and funding scheme, and she is the Postgraduate Representative on the Hebrew & Jewish Studies Committee, University of Oxford. Her work has been funded by the American Foundation of RHBNC International Excellence Scholarship, the Herringham Scholarship, and the Anne Huxter Fund.