EHRI Newsletter - July 2022
Review | Outstanding continuation of the EHRI Webinar Series with “Left Behind”

By Michala Lônčíková, Masaryk Insitute and Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences

On June 22, the second EHRI Webinar was successfully organised by Work Package 10 (Thematic layers across collections). Our colleague Dorien Styven (Kazerne Dossin, Belgium) with the support of Wolfgang Schellenbacher (Vienna Wiesenthal Institute and Dokumentationsarchiv des österreichischen Widerstandes, Austria), both members of the EHRI-3 Consortium, presented the project Left Behind, focusing on the impact of forced labour by Organisation Todt on survival chances of Antwerp Jews.

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Digital Holocaust History | Instagram Documentary “His Name Is My Name”

Small-scale European cooperation project “Houses of darkness

Dutch filmmaker Eline Jongsma grew up unaware that her great-grandfather was a Nazi-aligned mayor famous for his penchant for violence. Known as "Gekke Gerrit" ("Mad Gerrit), he was wiped from the family history after the war. But secrets can’t stay hidden forever, and in the animated Instagram documentary series His Name Is My Name, Jongsma and her partner Kel O’Neill unearth a history that is at once unique and universal. Equal parts detective thriller and personal essay, His Name Is My Name explores how the crimes of WWII-era perpetrators still reverberate through today’s society, shaking the foundations of our homes and our families.

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EHRI-3 General Partner Meeting | “Interconnectedness”

EHRI-3 General Partner Meeting, Amsterdam, 8 June 2022

For the first time since the start of the EHRI-3 project in late 2020, the annual General Partner Meeting (GPM) was held in person, on June 8-9 in Amsterdam. Over fifty people from all over Europe, Israel and the USA, representing most of the 27 partner institutions, gathered to discuss the state and progress of the 4-year EHRI-3 project. At the start of an EU funded project such as EHRI, work is divided into packages and amongst teams, and tasks and goals are firmly set. Around mid-term is a good moment to evaluate the progress.

The talks already started when participants found each other on the same ferry boat that brought them to the venue, Tolhuistuin, in Amsterdam, where the GPM took place.

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Nice post from May 2022 (Thank you @Hanna WilsonPhD!):


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A Guest Blog for ARA | Connecting Holocaust Researchers to Their Answers: What Archivists Can Do to Strengthen the Field

On  the occasion of International Archives Day, Dr Kathrin Meyer, Secretary General of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), and Dr Karel Berkhoff, Co-Director of the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI) wrote a guest blog for the ARA (the Archives & Records Association) UK & Ireland, that seeks to raise awareness of the need for a broad approach to identifying Holocaust-related material – and offers practical tools that empower archivists and researchers to apply such an approach.

Read the IHRA and EHRI Guest Blog

Image: courtesy of Yad Vashem

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EHRI Document Blog | Mapping the Archive: The Wiener Holocaust Library’s Refugee Map

This new EHRI Blogpost describes the Wiener Library’s Refugee Map and gives an insight into the challenges of mapping archival material and visualising temporal and spatial movement based on the complex stories drawn from the Wiener Library’s Family Papers Collection. The Refugee Map enhances the accessibility of these micro-histories for both researchers and general audiences. The varied content presented in the map also opens a window into the everyday lives of refugees, including in their adopted new homes rather than focusing entirely on their lives before the Second World War. Visit the Document Blog 

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EHRI in New Animated Video

EHRI is currently transforming itself from a project into a permanent organisation that will help secure the future of trans-national Holocaust research, commemoration and education. EHRI-PP is undertaking all the necessary legal, financial and strategic work to have this permanent organisation fully operational by January 2025, the 80th-anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. In this new animated video, we explain why an independent, permanent and European organisation for Holocaust research is so important - in only 90 seconds. Please, watch!

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Review | EHRI  Workshop “Holocaust in the Slovak-Hungarian Borderlands”

By Martin Posch, Holocaust Documentation Centre Slovakia

On May 3, 2022, the workshop "Holocaust in the Slovak-Hungarian Borderlands: Archives, Research and Digital Humanities" was held in Bratislava, at the initiative of the Central-European Hub, and organized by EHRI partner institutions, the Holocaust Documentation Centre in Slovakia, the Vienna Wiesenthal Instittute for Holocaust Studies, the Hungarian Jewish Museum and Archives, and Kazerne Dossin, Belgium.

The workshop aimed to present the current state of the art of Holocaust research in this specific territory.

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Call for Papers | Lessons & Legacies Europe. Bridging Disciplines, Histories, and Cultures

Prague, 6-10 November 2023

Taking place in Prague, Czech Republic, the 2023 Lessons & Legacies Conference will be the first to be conducted in East-Central Europe, a region in which Nazi occupation and racial policies intersected with competing nationalisms, shifting borders, and the sovereignty of new nation states. It will be the second European iteration of the conference series, after the 2019 Lessons & Legacies Conference in Munich.

Taking its location as a point of departure, but not limiting the geographical scope of conference presentations, proposals are invited that investigate the crossings of boundaries of various kinds, including national and group or community histories as well as scholarly disciplines. Combining a thematic and a methodological track, the Prague Lessons & Legacies Conference aims to promote scholarly debate on the manifold divides and connections that exist in Holocaust studies.

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EHRI-PP General Partner Meeting | “Like Playing Twelve Games of Chess”

EHRI-PP General Partner Meeting, Prague, 17 May 2022

One of the highlights for the EHRI Consortium is the General Partner Meeting, an annual or bi-annual gathering of representatives of all partner-institutions involved. People who mostly work remotely from countries all over the world, but who all share a special interest in Holocaust research, get together for face to face meetings in one location. This time, over fifty people representing the institutions involved in the EHRI-PP project, travelled to Prague, where EHRI partner, the Masaryk Institute and Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences hosted the event at the venue of the Univerzita Karlova (Charles University), the Karolinum. The last time the EHRI-PP consortium met in person for a General Partner Meeting was in February 2020 in Munich, before the outbreak of the corona pandemic, so this year’s meeting had a special shine.

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