EHRI Newsletter - June 2015
Call for Papers: The Future of Holocaust Testimonies IV – An International Conference and Workshop
An International Conference and Workshop
8–10 March 2016, Akko, Israel

The Holocaust Studies Program of Western Galilee College, the Jewish Studies Program at the University of Virginia, and the Maurice Greenberg Center for Judaic Studies at the University of Hartford announce the fourth international interdisciplinary conference and workshop on The Future of Holocaust Testimonies to be held on 8–10 March 2016 in Akko, Israel.

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Call for Papers: Pogrom: November 1938 – Terror, Testimony, Translation
Closure of Call for Papers: 30 July 2015
Event date: 5-6 November 2015

This autumn the Wiener Library will launch a new book and online resource Pogrom: November 1938. This will make the Library’s unique collection of testimonies from eyewitnesses to the November Pogrom widely available for the first time in English. To mark this occasion, the Library will be convening an academic workshop to encourage discussion of three topics – terror, testimony and translation – each of which are of crucial and particular importance to Holocaust research.

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VWI Workshop: The Forensic Turn in Holocaust Studies?
(Re-)Thinking the Past Through Materiality
A workshop organised by the Wiener Wiesenthal Institute für Holocaust-Studien (VWI)
From Thursday, 25. June 2015-12:00 To Friday, 26. June 2015-19:30
Bruno Kreisky Forum für internationalen Dialog, Armbrustergasse 15, 1190 Wien

In Holocaust Studies, a new turn seems to advance: after the era of classical written source based historiography and ‘the era of the witness’ characterised by the paradigmatic role of survivor testimony in Holocaust research and remembrance, a forensic approach comes to the foreground nowadays.

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CfP: Children and War: Past and Present (July 2016)
Third international multidisciplinary conference to be held at the University of Salzburg, Austria, on 13-15 July 2016.
Organized by the University of Salzburg and the University of Wolverhampton, in association with the UN Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict.
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EHRI presented as a case study on Symposium Metadata Exchange in Mechelen
New EHRI Fellowship Programme also invites archivists and curators

On Thursday 30 April 2015, the Vlaamse Vereniging voor Bibliotheek, Archief en Documentatie (VVBAD, the Flemish library and archives association), organised a symposium on Metadata Exchange. The VVBAD, founded in 1921 and representing approximately 3,500 information professionals, is a non-profit organization for professionals working in libraries, archives and documentation centres in Flanders, the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium.

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