Sign-up WP Work Meetings Munich

Sign-up sheet for the WP work meetings in Munich

You have successfully registered for the EHRI-PP Kickoff Meeting & GPM in Munich (11-13 February, 2020).

All participants are invited to sign up for the different Work Packages work meetings on Wednesday 12 February. Below you will find the schedule of the different work meetings. Please note that this is not the full day schedule (the tentative programme is available in the EHRI-PP consortium group in Basecamp). You are kindly requested to complete the form at the bottom of this page.

9:45 – 11:15    WP Work Meeting I
in parallel:
WP2 Governance and Legal Work with Dr. Dirk Luyten and Dr. Adina Babesh (CegeSoma)
WP5 User, Access and Training Strategy with Dr. Haim Gertner and Zohar Neumann (YV)

11:30 – 13:00  WP Work Meeting II
in parallel:
WP3 Finance with Frank Uiterwaal (KNAW-NIOD)
WP6 Research and Innovation Strategy with Dr. Anna Ullrich (IfZ)

14:00 – 15:30  WP Work Meeting III
in parallel:
WP7 Technical Development and Data Management with Prof. Dr. Tobias Blanke (KCL)
WP8 Dissemination and Communication with Dr. Jan Hlavinka (DSH)

15:45 – 17:15  WP Work Meeting IV
WP4 Sustainability with Dr. Michal Frankl (MUA)


Please note that meals (lunch and dinner) will be offered on Wednesday and coffee & refreshments will be available throughout the programme. On Thursday lunch is only served for those joining the Scientific Advisory Board Meeting. If you are interested in having lunch on your own expenses at the IfZ after the GPM on Thursday (12:30), you are kindly requested to indicate this below.