United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

EHRI Fellow Frank Uiterwaal

Frank Uiterwaal is an information analyst for the Collections & Services Department at NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies. He is in charge of the processes, digital infrastructure and services that are needed to sustainably preserve and provide access to NIOD's collections. He is also active as a work package leader for the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI) in the EHRI-PP project. Within the topics of Finance, Governance and Sustainability, he contributes to the transformation of the EHRI project into a permanent large-scale scientific infrastructure. He is also actively involved in the work packages Impact, Innovation & Sustainability and Connecting Micro-Archival Communities and Standards in the neighbouring project EHRI-3.

Under the project title, A transatlantic comparison of best practices in the management of infrastructure for digital Holocaust collections, Frank Uiterwaal will explore global trends and conceptual approaches in the strategy and operation of digital archival systems. An analysis of how the NIOD and the USHMM have organised their collection infrastructure and to what extent they have chosen to adopt best practices will enrich this study with tangible observations.