EHRI Webinars

The EHRI Webinars on Zoom are free and in general without registration. 

Webinar 5 - 2024

The EHRI Knowledge Graph, New Possibilities for the EHRI Portal’s Data

Wednesday 27 November 2024 | 3:00 PM CET

Speakers: Herminio García González (Kazerne Dossin) and Mike Bryant (King’s College London and NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide studies)

The Holocaust as a subject of scholarly investigation is perhaps uniquely characterised by the fragmentation and wide dispersal of source material. In conducting broad, trans-national studies of the subject, researchers must learn to navigate a complex landscape of collections across numerous holding institutions, often with a diverse mix of standards and practices. The European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI) sought to mitigate this problem with the launch of the EHRI Portal in 2015, a single platform which integrates and contextualises Holocaust-relevant archival descriptions from all over the world in a standardised manner. Read more>>

Webinar 4 - 2024

The Future of the Past: Analyzing Early Holocaust Testimonies with Digital Tools

Wednesday 25 September 2024 | 3:00 PM CET

Speaker: Ildikó Barna

The webinar "The Future of the Past: Analyzing Early Holocaust Testimonies with Digital Tools" will discuss the key aspects of the “Digital Lens” project, beginning with an overview of our research approach and highlighting the most significant findings. It will focus on selected results that showcase the innovative use of methodologies. Read more>>

SPECIAL WEBINAR EDITION | EHRI Online Lecture "Methodological Challenges of Photography Collections and Cataloguing"

With Jonathan Matthews, former Head of Yad Vashem's Photo Archives 

On April 9, the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure and partner Yad Vashem gave a unique online lecture, discussing and dissecting ongoing and new issues within the world of Holocaust photography collections. The invitation was open, and the lecture was aimed at (photo) archivists, historians or researchers working with photographs. In this accessible and frank discussion, Jonathan Matthews addressed many of the central and critical methodological challenges faced by archivists and Holocaust experts today. 

This special webinar of one and a half hours was recorded. You can now watch the video of the Online Lecture.

Read more

Webinar 3 - 2024

From Camp Survival to Camp Life: Digitising Greek-Jewish Social Networks in Auschwitz-Birkenau

Tuesday 11 June 2024 | 3:00 PM CET

Speaker: Paris Papamichos Chronakis is Lecturer in Modern Greek History at Royal Holloway University of London where he teaches and researches on the history and memory of the Modern Mediterranean.

Since the mid-1980s, the structure of all major audiovisual Holocaust archives has rested on the conceptual triangulation of 'testimony', the 'witness', and 'survival'. The audiovisual testimony becomes the organising unit of the digital Holocaust archive and thus determines its serial logic. It fulfils the moral imperative of restoring the integrity of the survivor, yet by downplaying the survivor's social milieu it promotes an anachronistically individualistic understanding of his/her identity.

This webinar will discuss these conceptual problems and suggest a novel approach to Holocaust audiovisual archives, through the digital reconstruction of social networks. Read more>>

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Meeting ID: 852 5105 3264
Passcode: 578439

Webinar 2 - 2024

Societies Under Occupation | An Online Source Edition on Everyday Life of Occupied Societies during the Second World War

Wednesday 20 March 2024 | 3:00 PM CET

Speakers: Tatjana TönsmeyerProfessor of Modern European History at the Bergische University of Wuppertal; Laura Eckl, research assistant at the Chair of Modern European History at the University of Wuppertal.

During the Second World War, approximately 230 million people in 27 countries lived under German occupation. Despite these high numbers, the German public knows very little about the experiences of the occupied societies throughout Europe. The Online Portal “Societies under German Occupation” ties in here and provides sources on everyday life of occupied societies during the Second World War, with a specific focus on dealing with hunger and scarcity.

The portal also underscores the multi-layered persecution experienced by the Jewish population: not only did they face the challenges of living in occupied societies, but they also lived in fear of antisemitic persecution and murder shortly after the occupation began. Read more >

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Meeting ID: 843 9479 6640
Passcode: 528435

Webinar 4 - 2023 | Webinar 1 - 2024

NEW DATE: 7 February 2024: The Digital Remembrance Landscape of Austria. Digital Mapping - Digital Memory

Wednesday 7 February 2024 | 3.00 PM CET

Speakers: Victoria Kumar, PhD, Historian and Head of ERINNERN:AT program at OeAD - Austria's Agency for Education and Internationalization; Gerald Lamprecht, Professor of Jewish History and Contemporary History and Head of the Centre for Jewish Studies at the University of Graz.

The Digital Memory Landscape Austria (DERLA) is a documentation and education project. It documents the places and signs of remembrance of the victims and places of terror of National Socialism in Austria and aims at a critical examination of National Socialism and fascism and the remembrance of them. The interdisciplinary cooperation project also aims to develop new concepts for digital remembrance education.

In the webinar, the DERLA project will be presented, and concrete questions of digitization and mediation in education will be explored. Read more >

This webinar was first scheduled for 14 December 2023, but was postponed due to illness. 7 February 2024 is the new date.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 874 2891 7289
Passcode: 213977

Webinar 3 - 2023

Warsaw Online Database ""

Wednesday 25 October 2023, 3:00 PM CET

Speakers: Agnieszka Haskacultural anthropologist and sociologist; and Jakub Petelewicz, historian, academic secretary, Polish Center for Holocaust Research, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences.

In 2004, the Polish Center for Holocaust Research created a free online database with all the information on each known resident of the Warsaw Ghetto.

In this webinar, Agnieszka Haska and Jakub Petelewicz, from the Polish Center for Holocaust Research, will give a presentation about the scholarly goals as well as the methodological and technical challenges of creating the database. Read more >

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 882 9572 6061
Passcode: 640356

Webinar 2 - 2023

JewishGen’s Online Holocaust Resources

Wednesday 14 June 2023, 3:00 PM CET

Speakers: Nolan Altman, JewishGen’s Director of Data Acquisition and Coordinator of Holocaust Database, JOWBR (Burial Registry), and Memorials & Plaques Project

This EHRI webinar will feature Nolan Altman, Director of Data Acquisition, who will present JewishGen, Inc., a US non-profit organization, that was founded in 1987 as a bulletin board with only 150 users who were interested in Jewish genealogy.  Primarily driven by volunteers, there are over 1,000 active people throughout the world who contribute to the ever-growing collection of databases, resources and search tools. Read more >

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 864 9709 6088 
Passcode: 283757

Webinar 1 - 2023

Encyclopedic Database Design for Digital Research Possibilities and Challenges of Developing a Comprehensive Database of Nazi-Era Camps for Foreign Forced Laborers 

Wednesday 19 April 2023, 3:00 PM CET

Speakers: Alexandra Lohse, Applied Research Scholar Team Lead, Mandel Center, US Holocaust Memorial Museum; Justus Hillebrand, contract database manager; Rebecca M. Savelsberg, contract data enterer and analyst

This presentation will detail the scholarly goals as well as practical and methodological challenges of developing a large-scale encyclopedic database aimed at documenting the largest subset of Nazi-era camps, namely the more than 30,000 labor camps for foreign civilian forced laborers operating inside the 1942 borders of the Greater German Reich. Read more >

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 869 2800 6850
Passcode: 669036

Webinar 4 - 2022

MemoGIS - the Spatial Exclusion of Jews in Protectorate Prague

Wednesday 7 December 2022, 3:00 PM CET

Speakers: Aneta Plzáková and Daniela Bartáková, Masaryk Institute and Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague, Czechia.

"MemoGIS Prague" describes the fates of the Holocaust victims from Prague. It interprets and analyses the data gathered in the Holocaust Victims Database managed by the Terezín Initiative Institute, which contains, among other things, digitized copies of selected documents from the Prague Police Directorate's fund. By connecting historical information with the map of Prague, this application helps users to study the segregation and persecution of Jewish inhabitants through space. Read more >

Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 879 8763 1611
Passcode: 697593

Webinar 3 - 2022

Yerusha - An Online Catalogue of Jewish Archival Heritage in Europe

Wednesday 14 September 2022, 3:00 PM CET

Speaker: Dr. Gábor Kadar, Director Yerusha Project

The Yerusha Project, a digital humanities initiative of the Rothschild Foundation Hanadiv Europe, creates an online hub of information regarding European Jewish archival heritage. Read more >

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Meeting ID: 825 9462 8940
Passcode: 465735

Webinar 2 - 2022

Left Behind: The Impact of Forced Labour by Organisation Todt on Survival Chances of Antwerp Jews

Wednesday 22 June 2022, 3:00 PM CET

Speakers:  Dorien Styven, researcher and archivist from EHRI partner Kazerne Dossin in Belgium, with the support of Wolfgang Schellenbacher, who is involved in the mapping and visualisation aspect, from the Vienna Wiesenthal Institute (VWI) and the Dokumentationsarchiv des österreichischen Widerstandes (DÖW).

Kazerne Dossin has created a dataset containing information on the 1.625 Antwerp OT labourers and a sample of 1.500 of their relatives. The aim of the project "Left Behind" was to determine the impact of OT forced labour on the survival chances of the families left behind in Antwerp. Macro-analysis led to conclusions regarding the augmented deportation risk of the relatives of OT labourers in comparison to Jewish families in Antwerp in general. Micro-analysis of archival items such as journals, photos and letters led to explanations for this higher deportation rate. Read more >

Join Zoom Meeting  

Meeting ID: 828 5437 5998
Passcode: 741759

Webinar 1 - 2022

Social Networks and Surviving the Holocaust

Wednesday 23 March 2022, 3:00 PM CET

Speakers:  Štěpán Jurajda, Mellon Endowment Professor with Tenure at the Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education – Economics Institute (CERGE-EI) in Prague, Czech Republic. In cooperation with Matěj Bělín (CERGE-EI) and Tomáš Jelínek (Moravian Business College Olomouc).

Survivor testimonies link survival in deadly POW camps, Gulags, and Nazi concentration camps to the formation of close friendships with other prisoners. Jurajda, Bělín and Jelínek provide statistical evidence on the importance of social linkages for the survival of the 140,000 Jews who entered the Theresienstadt ghetto. Read more >

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 893 3743 5424
Passcode: 051978