EHRI Seminars

Call for Applications: EHRI Seminar in Bad Arolsen | Citizen Science in the Archival Domain. A Hand-On Seminar on Implementing Crowdsourcing Projects for Micro-Archives

November 25-28, 2024 | Location: Arolsen Archives - International Center on Nazi Persecution, Bad Arolsen, Germany

Crowdsourcing can be an ideal way for institutions with archival collections to enrich their holdings, working with the public to, e.g., identify places and people in photographs, transcribe documents, or obtain other information that will make the collections more accessible. Archives can also gain greater public attention through crowdsourcing. That said, it can also be rather daunting to set out on a crowdsourcing project, particularly for smaller institutions.

EHRI partner Arolsen Archives - International Center on Nazi Persecution, the leading institution related to documenting National Socialist persecution and the liberated survivors, has significant experience in successfully planning and managing crowdsourcing projects such as #everynamecounts and will also host this event.

The seminar is open to anyone interested in learning about the opportunities of crowdsourcing for Holocaust-related archival projects. In line with EHRI’s current focus of working with micro-archives, we particularly welcome non-professional curators holding micro-archival collections.

Deadline for submissions: 31 August 2024

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Call for Applications: EHRI Seminar | Holocaust and Exile: Approaches, Sources, Methodologies

November 4-7, 2024 | Location: German Exile Archives, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

We are pleased to announce the forthcoming EHRI Seminar “Holocaust and Exile: Approaches, Sources, Methodologies”, which is co-organized by the Center for Holocaust Studies at the Leibniz Institute for Contemporary History (IfZ) and the German Exile Archives (DEA) as part of the German National Library, one of the leading archives in the field of exile studies. The DEA, which celebrates its 75th anniversary in 2024, will also host the event. We aim at a diverse group of participants and encourage especially junior researchers, archivists, librarians, and people working in memorial sites to apply.

EHRI strives to enhance and support excellent Holocaust research. Our goal is to interconnect the research community and to provide access to archival holdings and cutting-edge research, both digitally and physically. During this four-day event, participants will have the opportunity to gain in-depth insights into the holdings, activities, and offerings of the DEA. Its extensive archival holdings combine legacies left by persons forced into exile, exile-publications and archives belonging to exile organizations. Furthermore, participants will have the chance to learn more about the approaches and methodologies of exile studies and to familiarize themselves with EHRI’s digital services. The EHRI-Seminar will take place in Frankfurt am Main, home to one of the largest Jewish communities in Germany before the Holocaust, and therefore strongly linked to the history of the German exile. 

Deadline for Submissions: 30 June 2024 | THIS CALL IS CLOSED.

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Call for Applications EHRI Methodological Seminar Bucharest | Recent Research, Resources, and Holocaust Memory in Romania

February 20-22, 2024 | Location: Elie Wiesel National Institute for Studying the Holocaust in Romania, Bucharest, Romania

We are pleased to announce the EHRI Seminar on Holocaust Research in Romania, presented as part of the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI) project, with support from the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 program. This seminar is jointly organized by the Elie Wiesel National Institute for Studying the Holocaust in Romania and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, both part of the EHRI Consortium.

EHRI is dedicated to enhancing access to collections related to Holocaust history and strengthening the European infrastructure for Holocaust studies. Through the EHRI Portal, it facilitates access to archival collections pertaining to Holocaust history. Participants will be introduced to the Portal, which contains information on 63 countries, over 2,258 archival institutions, and more than 373,700 archival descriptions in 820 institutions, as well as other online services and in-person activities developed by EHRI to foster innovative, interdisciplinary, and transnational Holocaust research.

Seminar Highlights:

Topics Covered: This seminar will provide a comprehensive overview of methods, sources, new research topics, and approaches related to the Holocaust in Romania. Discussions will span micro-historical research to broader high-level analyses and interpretations.

Research Integration: The seminar will showcase the latest advancements in integrating Holocaust research, Holocaust-related archives, and archival research infrastructures. It will also offer a platform for cross-border professional exchange.

Participant Engagement: In addition to keynote speakers and structured presentations, participants will be given the opportunity to provide a brief, informal overview of their current research on the Holocaust in Romania. This forum will provide an avenue for valuable input and suggestions from fellow participants. Those working on the topic will also be offered the opportunity to publish their research in the journal of the Elie Wiesel National Institute for Studying the Holocaust in Romania.

Deadline for submissions: 8 December 2023 | THIS CALL IS CLOSED.

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Call for Applications EHRI Seminar in Vienna | What’s New in Austrian Holocaust Studies? Digital Tools & Methods

EHRI-AT Methodological Seminar

16-18 January 2024 | Location: Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI) in Vienna, Austria

In the last decade, Austrian Holocaust research and education has gone digital. In this rapidly evolving framework, this EHRI Seminar addresses the following questions:

  • What are the topics in Austrian Holocaust research that are explored using digital tools, maps, databases, and digital repositories?
  • Which new findings and approaches can be generated with geo-data? And how can you use geo-data in your research?
  • How can we (re-)locate documents, memories, specific events by apps and digital maps? Which new spaces emerge through this layering of digital and on-site experience?
  • Which databases exist to do research on the Holocaust in Austria? How can a cross-archival approach help to identify, verify, and re-assess names, places, and events across national and linguistic borders?
  • How can we address the different quality of sources (visual sources, ego-documents, oral testimonies, perpetrator documentation, forms etc.)? What are the specific possibilities and limitations of these sources, and how can these be approached through digital methods and tools?
  • How can researchers address a broader public through blogs, podcasts, and online exhibitions? Which skills and tools are needed to “go public” with your research?

Together with some EHRI-AT (EHRI-Austria) partners, the VWI will offer a methodological seminar to present and share digital tools and methods as well as reflections on theoretical concepts that are relevant for Holocaust Studies in Austria, in Central Europe and beyond. Therefore, we offer a diverse programme including input lectures, group discussions and presentations as well as city walking tours on specific Holocaust-related topics and visits to various archives and memorial sites in Vienna.

Deadline for submissions: 15 July 2023 | THIS CALL IS CLOSED.

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Call for Applications EHRI Seminar in Poland | Microhistories of the Holocaust - Methodology, sources, challenges, impact

18-22 September 2023 | Location: University of Lodz, Poland

We would like to invite those working in the field of Holocaust research and documentation to submit their application for the international EHRI Seminar "Microhistories of the Holocaust – methodology, sources, challenges, impact" to be held by the Polish Center for Holocaust Research in cooperation with the Center for Jewish Research at the University of Lodz, 18-22 September 2023.

The Seminar will combine two topics: methodology of microhistory in Holocaust studies as well as the transmission of knowledge from researchers to educators, memory projects and the general public. We want to discuss the methodological challenges relating to the Holocaust microhistory research and approaches to sources, including ways to use different materials, not only in traditional research but also combined with digital humanities tools.

Additionally we want to focus on relations between researchers and the wider public – how history influences the local communities in various ways and how to ‘translate’ research findings into common knowledge.

The discussions and presentations will be supplemented by on-site tours in Lodz and Chelmno.

Deadline for submissions: 31 May 2023 | THIS CALL IS CLOSED.

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Call for Applications EHRI Archival Seminar | Modern Diplomatics of the Holocaust

10-15 September 2023 | Location: Federal Archives / Bundesarchiv, Germany

In the framework of EHRI, the Federal Archives offer a five-day archival seminar under the title “Modern Diplomatics of the Holocaust” (see also the EHRI Online Course Modern Diplomatics of the Holocaust). It aims at giving a thorough introduction into the handling of German records related to the Holocaust. The intended audience especially includes archival staff members (particularly from Central, Southern and Eastern Europe), Holocaust researchers and employees of museums and memorial sites who work with German archival records and would like to enlarge their knowledge on archival sources.

The seminar will focus on German language Holocaust-related documents from various provenances. They will be analysed and interpreted according to source-oriented methods in order to understand them in the context of their genesis and to acquire a solid knowledge in decision making structures. As all sources and a significant part of the lectures will be in German, good (passive) knowledge of this language is a precondition for attendance; English will serve as the second language of instruction. 

Deadline for submissions: 31 May 2023 | THIS CALL IS CLOSED.

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Call for Applications EHRI Seminar | Engaging Educators

August 7-11, 2023 | Location: Jewish Museum in Prague, Czech Republic

We invite applications from educators of different professional (e.g. secondary school teachers, lecturers involved in teacher training, educators at memorials and other commemorative initiatives) and national backgrounds to attend the first EHRI pedagogical Seminar. The event will offer an opportunity for educators to expand their skills when teaching about the Holocaust in different settings and familiarize them with EHRI’s digital services.

As a Research Infrastructure, EHRI strives to support and enhance excellent Holocaust research. However, our goal is also to make cutting-edge research more accessible to the broader public, for example through the work of dedicated educators. Teaching the Holocaust proves to be a challenging task, both in terms of content and methodology. During the five-day Seminar, we will enable transnational exchange between researchers and educators, offer new opportunities to advance knowledge and increase practical experience.

The Seminar will take place in Prague, a culturally and historically rich metropolis that will allow us to intersect study and discussion sessions with insights into the city’s Jewish history as well as its role as the capital of the so-called Protectorate during World War II.

Deadline for submission: 31 March 2023 | THIS CAL IS CLOSED

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Call for Applications EHRI Seminar | A Multilevel Approach to the Holocaust in Romania

November 2-4, 2022 |  | Location: Elie Wiesel National Institute for Studying the Holocaust in Romania, Bucharest, Romania

A Multilevel Approach to the Holocaust in Romania: Research and Resources is offered as part of the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI) project and is supported by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme. The methodological seminar is organized by the Elie Wiesel National Institute for Studying the Holocaust in Romania and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, both part of the EHRI Consortium.

This seminar will provide an overview of methods, sources, new research topics and approaches on the Holocaust in Romania. Historians, archivists and researchers will discuss and integrate topics from micro-historical research to the meso- and macro level of analysis and interpretation. As part of the seminar, participants will be introduced to the EHRI Portal, which contains information on 63 countries, over 2,209 archival institutions, and more than 346,900 archival descriptions.

The methodological seminar will offer information on the latest developments in integrating Holocaust research, Holocaust-related archives and archival research infrastructures as well as the possibility for exchange between professionals beyond national borders. The seminar will also include visits to various archives and memorial sites in Bucharest.

Deadline for submission: 22 August 2022 | THIS CALL IS CLOSED

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Call for EHRI-Seminar | The Lviv Ghetto: Narrating and Mapping the History of Exclusion and Violence

July 18-22, 2022 | Location: Online | Organised by the the Center for Urban History of East Central Europe (Lviv, Ukraine)

We invite Holocaust scholars, educators, representatives of archives and museums, tour guides, and digital humanities professionals to take part in the EHRI-Seminar “The Lviv Ghetto: Narrating and Mapping the History of Exclusion and Violence”, organized by EHRI partner the Center for Urban History of East Central Europe (Lviv, Ukraine). The goal of the interdisciplinary seminar is to explore and reflect on digital tools and methods of research and visualisation of the urban topography of the Holocaust.

Focusing on one of the largest but also least researched ghettos in Eastern Europe, the Lviv ghetto, the seminar will place it in the context of recent studies of ghettos and urban topographies of the Holocaust, for example, Budapest, Warsaw, and the Theresienstadt Ghetto.

Deadline for submission: 1 March 2022 | THIS CALL IS CLOSED | THIS SEMINAR WAS POSTPONED TO 3-7 OCTOBER AND RENAMED Read the report

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