EHRI Portal to Holocaust-related Sources | Document Blog | Online Editions
EHRI offers access to several resources that keep on developing:
- The EHRI Portal with online access to information on Holocaust-related archival material held in institutions across Europe and beyond.
- The EHRI Collection of Digital Tools Guides is a series of guides to help researchers of the Holocaust and other related fields use digital tools in their research, created by team members of King's College London and US Holocaust Memorial Museum.
- The Document Blog which is a space to share ideas about Holocaust-related archival documents, and their presentation and interpretation using digital tools.
- The EHRI Geospatial Repository facilitates research driven by spatial and geographic approaches by providing access to data about Holocaust-related places and spaces.
- EHRI Online Editions of annotated document around a theme, and a new way of presenting digital archival content.
- EHRI's Publication Repository is located at HAL for all publications related to EHRI.
- EHRI-phase 1 developed two Research Guides: one on Terezín (Theresienstadt) and one on "Jewish Councils".
- International Research Portal (IRP2) for Records Related to Nazi-era Cultural Property Since June 2017, EHRI also hosts IRP2.