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ITS seeks new Director


The eleven-state International Commission for the International Tracing Service (ITS) is seeking a new Director for the ITS at Bad Arolsen in Germany in succession to the International Committee of the Red Cross which has run the archives and tracing service since 1955.


Breakthrough in Access to FSU Archives


Recently EHRI partner Yad Vashem signed a breakthrough agreement with the archival authorities of Lithuania and Belarus and will soon sign a new agreement with the archival authority of Ukraine.


The Jews from Macedonia and the Holocaust


'The Jews from Macedonia and the Holocaust' is an international research project realized by the Institute for Social Sciences and Humanities 'Euro-Balkan' in Skopje, Macedonia, at the Department for Cultural and Visual Research in the period from 2010 to 2011.


Interview on Czech Holocaust Research


In the first issue of the bulletin VWI im Fokus of EHRI partner Wiener Wiesenthal Instituts für Holocaust-Studien (VWI in Austria), Geschäftsführer Béla Rásky interviews Michal Frankl from the Jewish Museum in Prague. The Jewish Museum, where Michal Frankl is Head of the Shoah History Department, is also a partner in the EHRI project.

Read the interview (in German) >>


Conny Kristel gives update of EHRI at ITF


On 30 November 2011  Conny Kristel, Project Director of EHRI, and Haim Gertner, member of the EHRI Executive and Director Archives Division at Yad Vashem, gave a short presentation at a session of the Academic Workgroup of the Task Force for International Cooperation On Holocaust Education, Remembrance and Research (ITF).


International EHRI Workshop Investigates New Ideas for Names Recovery


In July 2011, Yad Vashem convened an international workshop for professionals collecting and computerizing names of Holocaust victims around the world. 'Recording the Names' was the first in a series of EHRI workshops which will allow experts in various methodological subfields of Holocaust documentation to share information and ideas.


Research Users Advisory Committee


Thanks to the many responses to our call in the EHRI Newletter of July 2011, we have been able to set up the Research Users Advisory Committee. Twenty researchers from sixteen different countries will provide feedback and comment on the User Requirements formulated for the EHRI-infrastructure. In the coming months the names and biographies of the members will be published on


'If You Build It, They Will Come'


Inauguration of Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities

Dr. Haim Gertner (Director Archives Division at EHRI partner Yad Vashem) held a key note lecture at the Digital Humanities ceremony in Göttingen, Germany, featuring the inauguration of the Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities and the release of TextGrid 1.0. The Georg-August-University Göttingen is a partner of EHRI.


International Conference on Holocaust and Other Genocides


27 November 2011, Peace Palace, The Hague

The Holocaust and its analogy to other genocides is a recurring topic in both academic and educational discussion. Holocaust historiography debates a range of issues; from the importance of ideology to the feelings of victims. Research into genocides is often influenced by the findings of Holocaust historiography. The current research on mass violence raises questions about the place of the Holocaust in the history of genocide.


The Holocaust and Photographic Documentation


Expert Meeting EHRI and Interviews with Users

In September 2011, EHRI hosted its second international expert meeting. This three-day event took place at NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies in the Netherlands. The topic of the meeting was The Holocaust and (Digital) Photographic Documentation, and the workshop brought together sixteen professionals from thirteen countries.
